Genoa Logic Group

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Here we gather links to either other groups or networks that may be of interest.


AILA: Associazione Italiana di Logica e sue Applicazioni

L'Associazione ha come scopo essenziale la diffusione dello studio e della conoscenza dellalogica in tutte le sue forme, l'avanzamento della ricerca e la promozione delle sue applicazioni.

Essa si riconosce nelle finalità e negli obiettivi della Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL).


ASL: Association for Symbolic Logic

The Association for Symbolic Logic is an international organization supporting research and critical studies in logic.

Its primary function is to provide an effective forum for the presentation, publication, and critical discussion of scholarly work in this area of inquiry.


ESTS: European Set Theory Society

The mission of the European Set Theory Society is to strengthen set-theoretical research and scholarship in Europe. You can find more information about the European Set Theory Society in the Mission Statement and the Constitution.

The European Set Theory Society is an Associate Corporate Member of the European Mathematical Society. The Society gives biennial Hausdorff medals for the most influential work in set theory published in the five years preceding the medal.


INdAM - GNSAGA: Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, gruppo GNSAGA

INdAM is the Italian mathematics Research Institute, it is a self- governing state research institute legally constituted and supervised by MIUR, the Ministry responsible for Education University and Research.

Its aim is to promote training of researchers, to develop research in pure and applied mathematics, and to further close and sustained contact between Italian and international research.


ItaCa: The newly born Italian network for category theorists

"Our name stands for Italian Category theorists, but it also reminds the isle where Odysseus strived so hard to come back.

During the last Category Theory in Scotland, it became apparent how many Italians are present in the Category Theory community: some of us proposed to join them all in a semi-official network. This is ItaCa: a group of mathematicians scattered all around the world, doing Category Theory."


SILFS: Società Italiana di Logica e Filosofia delle Scienze

SILFS was founded in 1951 as the Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of Science. Its aims are to promote and encourage in Italy research in logic and on philosophical aspects of science.

SILFS represents Italy in the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosohy of Science and Technology (DLMPST) which together with its sister Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST) form the Union of History and Philosophy of Science, (IUHPS).


The Proof Society: Wherever there is communication, there are proofs

"We believe that the time has now come for a consolidation of knowledge accumulated in the study of formal proofs and of the community of proof researchers."

Its aims are: to support the research on the notion of "proof", to be therefore inclusive in reaching out to all scientific areas which consider “proof” as an object in their studies, to enable the community to shape its future by identifying, formulating and communicating its most important goals; to increase “proof” visibility and representation in the larger scientific community and society.


UMI: Unione Matematica Italiana

L’Unione Matematica Italiana (U.M.I.) ha lo scopo di seguire, promuovere e divulgare lo sviluppo delle Scienze Matematiche e delle loro applicazioni diffondendone i risultati e non ha fini di lucro.