In the fall of 2024 prof. Pino Rosolini will turn 70: on this occasion, we plan to hold a workshop in Genoa to honour him and his contribution to research, teaching and dissemination of mathematics.

We hope you can join us in Genoa to celebrate for a couple of days of math, logic, and good focaccia


There is no registration fee, nor an actual deadline to register. However, we kindly ask people intending to attend to register, the sooner the better, by filling out the form at this link.

Click here to download the poster.



For any information, please send an e-mail to:
eccl-2024 [at] dima [dot] unige [dot] it

Organising Committee

  • Riccardo Camerlo
  • Greta Coraglia
  • Francesco Dagnino
  • Jacopo Emmenegger
  • Enrico Ghiorzi
  • Sara Negri
  • Ruggero Pagnan
  • Fabio Pasquali

Supported by

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